We can often find ourselves longing for different circumstances. arewehereyet is a reminder to myself to remember to experience and learn in the moment and place that I am in. As a planner I am often focused on the future and the steps that need to be taken to get there. That singular focus on the future can rob me from fully appreciating “today”. Sharon is much better than I at being grateful and present for the simple things.
For us, “Here” is a statement of place, time, and being. arewehereyet can refer to our physical location or conditions but also our spiritual state of being. Being present, being aware, being here.
The bible references God as “I am”. Not confined to time or space. Wherever we may be, God already is, has been, will be. God here, a faithful reminder God with us.
Our logo/sticker has this blessing

We want to embody grace and love to the world as we interact and explore. Respecting nature as we go, seeing creation reflecting its creator. Respecting people, deeply loved image bearers. Experiencing joy and beauty reflected in countries and cultures.
arewehereyet reflects the ability to experience the now while acknowledging there is more. More to learn, more to understand. Where and how will God show up while we are here wherever here is, in what ways, and through what interactions?
In our travels we hope to heed the call of the prophet Micah to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.